Treasurer's Report

Financial Year 2023

Before I make comments on the Accounts I would like to thank those other people who play an active and important part in managing the finance of this church.  A very loyal, but small group of people meet on a Monday morning to open planned giving envelopes, reconcile loose cash, record monies against income categories and take these monies to the bank.  I know that this group works diligently and unseen   but make my task that much easier. I would like to thank  the Planned Giving team who keep the  records on planned giving and deal with all the Inland Revenue returns.  Others  I would like to  mention are  Father Adrian  whom I pester  regularly on financial matters ,William Burgess the Honorary Auditor whose support and help is much appreciated and Brian McNally  who patiently  checks and countersigns all the cheques I place before him.

Overall Surplus/Deficit

Payments exceed Receipts  by £8885  Gross Receipts £95936 and Gross Payments £104821

General fund receipts £88144 and General fund payments £91220

Restricted fund receipts £7791  and Restricted fund payments £13601


Our principal receipts were

Planned Giving  £47944

Wedding/funeral fees £14276

Collections £6613

Tax refund £5745

I also think it is worth noting  we received  £1721 interest on our Deposit fund , £1716 from concert fees ,£1478 fron Fayres and £1349 from coffee donations.


Our principal payments were

Parish share £48000

Church Insurance £11686

Services £7940

Gas £6019

Restricted donations £7400

Wedding/funeral fees £7059

The Restricted donations  payments of £7400 included  £7000 repayment of loan from the Friends.

Our contributions towards charities has continued.  Half of the collections raised from weddings, baptisms and funerals is given to a charity nominated by the families.  £2165 was donated with the money going to  22 different charities.

Parish Share

In 2023 we achieved our Parish share pledge of £48000.

We have also  pledged   £48000 for 2024.

Friends of St Georges

The Friends loaned St Georges £7000 in 2022. This was repaid in 2023.


In early 2020 HMRC made an overpayment to us of £9321. They have offset this against the tax refund they owe us for 2020 and 2021. They also owe us a refund for 2022. At the end of 2023 this money had not been paid.

Energy Bills

We are on fixed price tariffs so the recent  spike in energy prices had limited impact on our bills. However the Gas contract  is  renewing in 2024  and we will be paying considerably more in the future.

Quinquennial report

The Architect produced the Quinquennial report late 2023. Excluding the West End Window Restoration the report  has identified the need for an estimated £41500 (excl VAT ) repairs over the next 5 years.

End of Year Balances and Reserves

At  year end  the  General fund cash balance was £30863  This equates to  about 18  weeks normal general expenditure. However the  2024 Budget forecasts a £8800 deficit on the General fund .

At year end the balance on all the Restricted funds was £23364. However on current trends the Church Maintenance fund will be empty by the end of 2024. If this happens then in future years  general church maintenance will have to be financed from the General fund.

I would like to express my thanks to everyone for their support throughout the year.



March 2024

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