Churchwardens Report

We would like to start with a few thanks.  To Fr Adrian for his ongoing help and support.  The ‘sidesmen’, those who assist with the readings and prayers all of who have once again been a great support each week.  Enabling the main Sunday services to run smoothly is very much a team effort.  During Pauls absence at the start of the year Jonathan stepped up to assist and seamlessly kept things ticking along.  Thanks go to Jonathan and to all of the volunteers, for their contributions.

Music at St Georges Church is an important part of our worship.  In July we said goodbye to Andrew, Louise, Sarah, Chrisopher, Eleanor and Catherine with thanks for all they had brought and given to our St George’s worship and community.  Then in September hello to Timothy Hone who took on the Musical Director role and has already taken us through a major restoration of the T S Lewis Organ and we hope is now feeling very much a part of the St George’s Cullercoats community.

May we also thank the retired clergy who assist so frequently filling in for services, without them it would be a struggle to maintain the number of services which are offered.  We celebrated the retirement of Andrew Beeston in February this year but are delighted that he and Jennifer are still very much a part of our congregation.

We held a number of successful social events in year helping to raise £1,800 for the building restoration fund.  There is a small team who organise these events although as ever unless we all support these on the day they won’t succeed.  So well done everyone for bringing along family and friends and making these such a success.  Also a great way to broaden our involvement into the local community.

During the course of the last year we hosted a service of Confirmation for Churches in our Deanery which was presided over by the Bishop of Beverley, the Rt.Rev. Stephen Race.

Visitors to St George’s come from far and near.  The visitors book at the rear of church is always worth a look and in this last year we have messages from visitors living in at least 6 European countries, Canada and the USA, South America, India and Pakistan, New Zealand and Australia, China, numerous Eastern European countries, Ukraine and the Middle East.

Their appreciation is of both the quiet space and the beauty of the building.

Churchwardens have responsibilities to the Incumbent, the Archdeacon, and the Bishop. Last year Paul and Vivienne were pleased to attend the swearing in service for churchwardens in person, good to meet with others in this role.

We also have responsibility to ensure the inventory of Church belongings is up to date and accurate, and once again we have carried out an audit, and found everything to be satisfactory.  Our thanks go to Shaun who assisted with this when Paul was absent.

We can also report that the insurances for the church buildings and contents are up to date, together with those for the church hall.  Our CCLI Licence for music has also been paid. Currently the premiums that are paid for insurances are:

Church & Church Hall £11,686.74

CCLI                   £279.10

Thank you all again for you much valued support.
Vivienne Barke and Paul Corrigan

This is the last report I shall be involved in as Churchwarden as I finish at this APM.  It has been both an interesting and rewarding role for the last 3 years.  I wish the churchwardens my very best wishes moving forward. Vivienne

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