Children and Young People

We are always pleased to welcome children and young families to Saint George's Church. Lots of our children are part of our Choir Club that meets on a Friday night - you can find out more about them on our Music page. Young people are an important part of our Sunday worship. We encourage them to join in with our choir and also from time to time with the prayers and readings and handing out the books to the congregation and helping with the offertory gifts.


We do special things too that are not always on Sunday. We have a Christingle at the beginning of Advent, we sometimes go for a pizza down the road at our local Italian restaurant. We have a Crib Service on Christmas Eve when we all get dressed up, and there is always room for extras! We have our own special journey of the cross on Good Friday and eat hot cross buns. We do crafts and set up the Easter garden on the day before Easter, and have an Easter Egg hunt on Easter Day, and eat chocolate eggs. We like eating. And lots more besides...



So come and join us. We should love to meet you.

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