The Evett Glass

 LLThe Evett's GlasT

The Evett Glass

Leonard Charles Evett - Evetts was born in Newport, Monmouthshire on the 12th January 1909 son of a painting contractor and sign writer.  He won a scholarship to the Royal College of Art and studied calligraphy and stained glass. He lectured at the College of Art in Edinburgh before becoming head of the department of Fine Art at King’s College, Newcastle upon Tyne. He completed over 400 windows throughout Britain and as far away as New Zealand but a high proportion of his work remains in churches in the North East of England. He became the most prolific stained glass artist of the 20th century and believed that windows should let in light.

The Baptistry Windows in St George’s are the work of Evetts and a memorial to Canon Fry, Vicar of St George’s 1903-46. The windows depict scenes from the life and legends of St Cuthbert. Leonard Evetts died on the 21st September 1997 at Woolsington, Tyne & Wear.


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